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How to Resolve a Failed SCSI Unconfigure Operation

Use this procedure if one or more target devices are busy and the SCSI unconfigure operation fails. Otherwise, future dynamic reconfiguration operations on this controller and target devices will fail with a dr in progress message.


Become superuser, if not done already.


Type the following command to reconfigure the controller.

# cfgadm -c configure device-name 

PCI Hot-Plugging With the cfgadm Command (Task Map)



For Instructions

1. Display PCI Slot Configuration Information

Display the status of PCI hot-pluggable devices and slots on the system.

x86: How to Display PCI Slot Configuration Information 

2. Remove a PCI adapter card

Unconfigure the card, disconnect power from the slot, and remove the card from the system.

x86: How to Remove a PCI Adapter Card 

3. Add a PCI adapter card

Insert the adapter card into a hot-pluggable slot, connect power to the slot, and configure the card.

x86: How to Add a PCI Adapter Card 

4. Troubleshooting PCI configuration problems

Identify error message and possible solutions to resolve PCI configuration problems.

x86: Troubleshooting PCI Configuration Problems 

x86: PCI Hot-Plugging With the cfgadm Command

This section provides step-by-step instructions for hot-plugging PCI adapter cards on x86 based systems.

In the examples, only PCI attachment points are listed, for brevity. The attachment points that are displayed on your system depend on your system configuration.

 x86: How to Display PCI Slot Configuration Information

The cfgadm command displays the status of PCI hot-pluggable devices and slots on a system. For more information, see cfgadm(1M).


Become superuser.


Display PCI slot configuration information.

# cfgadm

Ap_Id                Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  connected    configured   ok

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

Display specific PCI device information.

# cfgadm -s "cols=ap_id:type:info" pci

Ap_Id                Type         Information

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      Slot 7

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      Slot 8

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      Slot 9

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  Slot 10

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      Slot 11

The logical Ap_Id, pci1:hpc0_slot0, is the logical Ap_Id for hot-pluggable slot, Slot 7. The component hpc0 indicates the hot-pluggable adapter card for this slot, and pci1 indicates the PCI bus instance. The Type field indicates the type of PCI adapter card that is present in the slot.

 x86: How to Remove a PCI Adapter Card


Become superuser.


Determine which slot the PCI adapter card is in.

# cfgadm

Ap_Id                Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  connected    configured   ok

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown


Stop the application that has the device open.

For example, if the device is an Ethernet card, use the ifconfig command to bring down the interface and unplumb the interface.


Unconfigure the device.

# cfgadm -c unconfigure pci1:hpc0_slot3  


Confirm that the device has been unconfigured.

# cfgadm

Ap_Id                Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  connected    unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown


Disconnect the power to the slot.

# cfgadm -c disconnect pci1:hpc0_slot3 


Confirm that the device has been disconnected.

# cfgadm

Ap_Id                Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  disconnected unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown


Open the slot latches and remove the PCI adapter card.

 x86: How to Add a PCI Adapter Card


Become superuser.


Identify the hot-pluggable slot and open latches.


Insert the PCI adapter card into a hot-pluggable slot.


Determine which slot the PCI adapter card is in once it is inserted. Close the latches.

# cfgadm

Ap_Id                Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  disconnected unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown


Connect the power to the slot.

# cfgadm -c connect pci1:hpc0_slot3 


Confirm that the slot is connected.

# cfgadm

Ap_Id                Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  connected    unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown


Configure the PCI adapter card.

# cfgadm -c configure pci1:hpc0_slot3 


Verify the configuration of the PCI adapter card in the slot.

# cfgadm

Ap_Id                Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition

pci1:hpc0_slot0      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot1      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot2      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot3      ethernet/hp  connected    configured   unknown

pci1:hpc0_slot4      unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown


Configure any supporting software if this device is a new device.

For example, if this device is an Ethernet card, use the ifconfig command to set up the interface.